I am Dr. Vishakha Moghe and this is my story!

This story is of an ordinary girl with dreams that seemed not-so-ordinary to her. She would think she could move mountains one moment when the very next moment could be a mode that would exude pessimism & despair. A woman’s life story can never be an uncomplicated one.

I am here to share my story... Not because I think I’ve achieved something, but because we all love to hear stories of people we can completely relate to. They inspire us, they lend us hope that we all have it in us after all.... we’re extraordinary beings in ordinary skins.

Most of my childhood was about living in fear and doubt not because of any major setbacks but because that was simply my innate nature. The first thought that popped up in my head when it came to taking up a task and finishing it was if I would really be able to do it? Self-doubt, low self-esteem at times and failure to motivate the self are my oldest friends. These traits still happen to linger on somewhere to present day. When you’re sensitive, sentimental, forgetful due to unknown fears, the society is all ready to take advantage of/mock your weaknesses... that’s what always occurred, the lack of confidence portrayed me as a not-so-smart girl with a lack of will to achieve something substantial at least in my family circle. My forgetfulness, average memory made me repeat things multiple times so I could remember them for as long as possible. Believe me, my poor grasping wasn’t a problem I was born with, it was a result of having an unsteady mind and fickle faith in the self. Cleverness too, was never in my blood. Concerns about life, in general, always bothered me (thanks to my over-maturity) although I never shared my insecurities with absolutely anyone as a child.

In school, academically, I was fond of biology and life sciences and used to see myself teaching these subjects to students in future. As a child though, some of the inbuilt skills that helped me earn a name for myself were to be able to sing effortlessly without much practice. I participated in competitions, sang in classical concerts and while doing that, I was a different individual altogether. This one thing always made me feel and think high about myself and that, not everything was as bad as it seemed to be. Socially, a bit awkward in large gatherings, quiet and coy, though I hid my shortcomings quite well.

Singing and music became my escapes!! Singing made me popular among my social circle and in my family. There also came a point in my life when pursuing singing as a career was what I had started to consider quite seriously! But then, what’s life without surprises? We all think we are the sole shapers of our lives, which is only partly true ‘coz, believe it or not, some of the control lies with destiny and fate and you end up arriving to the destination solely meant for you, come what may! 

… Well, so that’s how Ayurveda happened to me!

When the time to choose a career finally arrived, I was in a state of despair for months. Career guidance sessions were pursued to have some clarity. The doubt was whether I’d want to pursue singing as a career or a career in science would be the best choice for me? The positive aspect was to have chosen the science stream after school, so multiple career options were open. My father’s suggestion was to take up Ayurveda. I realized it a little later that I would earn a doctor’s degree upon completion of the course, something that I always doubted I’d ever want to be since school days. That again was because I simply thought I wasn’t able enough to pursue the medical profession.

But then, Ayurveda happened by chance, and how! It was the beginning of a different life that totally changed the game for me. Ayurveda came as a fresh breath of air in my life! 4 months into medical college and the study of Ayurveda made me forget biology and chemistry that we learnt in school. A completely different insight was achieved after studying about the basic principles of Ayurveda through Padartha Vidnyaan, history of medicine in ancient India through Ayurveda Itihaas and anatomy and physiology through Shareer Rachana and Shareer Kriya, respectively. The applicability of the Ayurvedic principles was always a big doubt in the mind. It takes years to really break these down and apply them in life because the study of Ayurveda in the modern world is all about “unlearning” and “relearning”. Believe me, this was the point in my life when this whole syllabus thing felt like a joke to me! All the bookish knowledge that we gained for years meant nothing at all! We literally had to unlearn the theories that we were taught in school and relearn the theories stated in our scriptures. The knowledge of Sanskrit since school days really made things easier for me. It was a roller coaster ride. Some of the knowledge came naturally to me. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the “Granthas”.
As I mentioned, I am no topper-material so even though my study of scriptures was happening seriously, I didn’t exactly score how much I actually could have, had I brushed up the chapters, throughout my 4.5 year course. I secured distinctions in three subjects in three years which was still a lot going by my academic standards. While all this was happening, I kept wondering what I would be doing after finishing my course? One thing that I was sure of was to set up and nurture something that I could completely call my own. Jobs didn’t seem like a great idea to me since the beginning. I was gradually developing interests in various subjects like arts, photography & music. I also won accolades for several extra-curricular activities like sports, art and music during college days. The energy was getting diverted in various directions not helping me fetch anything solid. I kept going without thinking much about the future.

Best Sportswoman of the year ! :)

Being felicitated for translating a book on “Panchagavya Chikitsa” during third year of college

College days seemed to be finally over and off I moved to Pune to pursue my internship. My father wasn’t too happy with my decision since he felt Goa would have been the best place to settle down at that point of time. And I wasn’t willing to settle down in Goa because I had a long way to go with my learnings. I did not have an inch of confidence about setting up my practice even after studying for 5 long years, leave alone the rest of the fears. How tragic!

With a heavy heart, I left for Pune promising them that I’d be independent and that I’d come back home with a deeper knowledge and learning. This phase II of my life came with a new-found fortitude, what with me staying away from my protective shell- my family! Life in a big city seemed thrilling and exhilarating but I was to pursue my career seriously and not deviate from the chosen path. Thus began the days of hard-work, struggle and learning. I pleasantly surprised myself when went around alone in the city, talking to people, building relationships because, I was always doubtful of this one area of my life. Socializing never seemed easy to me until I started doing it. While doing all this, I also wouldn’t have ever thought there would be numerous struggles ahead of me- I was hardly prepared. I took up a part-time job at an Ayurvedic center during my internship so I could fund my stay, food and other expenses.

With a meagre salary of 3000/-, it was hard to make ends meet. I took a little help from my father. He wouldn’t refuse, of course! I just wished I’d be earning decent so I wouldn’t have to depend on him.
As for my internship routine, my eat, sleep timings went for a toss coz I used to get back home late after a long day at the hospital and the Ayurvedic center. As a result of all this, I got down with chicken pox at the age of 23 and trust me, it was a terrible experience that left me with numerous scars on my face for months. I missed some of my crucial days of internship during this period. Nonetheless, I made up for it after my recovery.
I survived in Pune for a whole year and for a couple of years after that, without a vehicle. It’s inconvenient, the public transport of the city is too poor. I used to walk around to both remote and distant places to save some bucks. I took buses and autos on other occasions. There were instances of me being stalked by strange men on my daily walks to the clinic late in the evening. Went on for days until I gathered the courage to give it back to them in their language. This truly felt empowering because I never thought I’d be capable of standing up for my own self without being helped by someone since I always considered myself an underdog in life. Dealing with these situations all by myself added to my confidence even more. How much we lose on in life because of this one thing called “doubt”... and “fear”! All in all, it was a difficult phase, well, at least I thought it was, then. You realize how much your parents do to make ends meet only when you see life in its full glory- both the ups and downs. Be thankful if you do! The learning must never end. So, my internship was a bag full of happy and funny surprises, the fact that I can’t seem to forget a single event from those days itself speaks volumes about this.

After a year-long internship, my college life was finally going to be over!
A year later, I pursued a Yoga Instructor’s Course from Bangalore. This gave me a different insight and gave birth to a possibility that I could take up Yoga as a part-time career along with my career in Ayurveda. The one-month course enriched me, I also got to build permanent friendships with learners from across the world during this phase. Who would’ve thought of something like this out of the blue?

My Yoga Fam

So, now was the time to slowly come to terms with reality. What next? Was I ready to take the plunge and start my own thing? There was no positive response from within. I just didn’t think it was the right time to do something like this. Thus, my dual journey of “learning & earning” continued. I worked in the Pharma sector as a “Production Manager” for about a year after this. I got a taste of the corporate world, the politics that came along with it and the bitter truths about how to survive without a mentor in corporate sector. I was pulled down by seniors because of my creative working style, there were many who wouldn’t want to see me do my thing with dedication. I was being underpaid, to add to it. I always tried to see these events as the ones that would shape my personality. What I could never imagine was the hatred that a newly appointed girl could get from seniors who were way ahead of her in experience and learning! It’s important that we share these experiences with someone because, to have a shoulder to cry on is one of the greatest blessings in life and so we must never suffer in solitude. I was blessed I found this person in my mother who always cheered me up and brought me out of despair. One year down the lane, I quit my job with a heavy heart. I was going back with a box of bitter-sweet memories and a bundle of experiences. Again, it felt strange yet empowering.
The confidence to manage people was slowly coming in with these experiences. After some thought, I grabbed the job of an “Observer” cum “Assistant Doctor” in an Ayurvedic hospital for a year after this. Again, working for 7-8 hours, being underpaid, having night shifts, disturbed lunch and dinner timings, cooking for own self while managing all this, I was being mentored well by life. I thoroughly enjoyed my work as an assistant doctor at the hospital. We managed medical emergencies solely with Ayurvedic medicines and therapies.
The professional confidence that this phase brought along was priceless! For the first time, I started to see myself as an independent practitioner running my clinic someday in future. Basically, 3 years after graduation was when this confidence built up, after managing both severely and chronically ill patients solely with Ayurveda and diet. Some days I’d think I’d probably lead a happier life once I’d be my own boss. I was genuinely waiting for a day like that to arrive. 
Like any father, my father too wanted me to be reunited with them so the plans of setting up my business in Goa was what he was looking at. I failed to convince myself to be back to Goa yet. Somewhere within me was a girl who was afraid of losing her independence while getting back to the place she came from. Well unsurprisingly, I was indirectly and unknowingly getting farther away from him through my career decisions. For the first time in my life, I didn’t seem to get bothered by this because, at least I was owning my life and the mistakes I was committing while living it to its fullest. I knew he’d understand this someday. 

I took a short break and stayed back at home in Goa for about 3-4 months. To be truthful, I was mentally preparing myself for the next phase of my life. A little fear and a lot of eagerness is what I was experiencing during this time. I was simultaneously looking for clinic spaces on rent across Pune. Whether I’d be able to pay off the rent in the beginning was not known to me. They were way too high! 

I packed my bags once more, bid farewell to my parents with just a little money in my wallet. This time around, I was going to be staying along with my sister and a couple friends of hers by sharing an apartment. The rent for the flat was beyond my budget. My sister assured me that she’d help me pay off my rent till I’d settle down in my practice. Not to forget, I was still looking for a clinical space to set up my practice.  

In the process of hunting the clinic space, I happened to meet someone who taught Vedas to young children in a beautiful location in Pune. Luckily, this place was quite close to where I was staying. Guruji offered me a room in his temple premises for my clinic room set-up.

My first clinic~

My clinical career kickstarted finally, well, at least I wanted myself to feel confident about this fact. Life wasn’t going to get any easier. People slowly started to notice my clinic, walked in to understand my expertise and what I was offering! I decided to use my teaching skills and propagate the knowledge of yoga through group sessions for women of all age groups. I was fortunate to have got a decent space for the sessions in the temple premises.

Women started enjoying my sessions and met me after class to get their doubts cleared regarding health, wellness and mindfulness. They complimented my style of teaching and said it was refreshing to visit the classes and hear me talk. Why wouldn’t this boost anybody’s self-confidence? When you efficiently start doing the task that you thought you wouldn’t be good at, but always wanted to be good at, there surely is no greater happiness! At last, I’d found my calling! I started evolving with every passing day. These women brought in patients to my clinic while also helping me grow in my clinical practice. Practicing both Yoga and Ayurveda together came as the greatest blessing in my career. This phase went on for a year and a half. I was eventually able to pay off my rent, bills and spent a tiny amount on buying things I wanted to. There were limitations in not having your own space to practice so I was aware of the shortcomings of practicing in someone else’s premises. I wanted this phase to stabilize so I could think about my future with more clarity.

I also had the fortune of meeting Vartika, a psychologist cum art-based therapy practitioner who worked with children and grown-ups alike through various art forms like visual arts, painting, music, dance, drama, stories, drum circles, subtle energy work, and so on. Her work fascinated me to an extent that I started working along with her to empower a bunch of slum kids in a slum area in Pune. We taught them about health, hygiene, yoga and life skills. It was empowering for us as much as it was for the children.

Teaching the girls at Machhli

Vartika and the girls…

While my practice was settling down…. Off came the next blow! I was requested to vacate the premises because of unavoidable, unforeseen circumstances. There I sat again, crying like a child who had lost all his toys in a go! I won’t lie- For days together, I went back to the dark hole of thoughts. My patients came to personally meet me when they got to know the classes weren’t going to be held and the clinic wasn’t going to be there for them anymore. Their expression was, “Where do we all go now?”. They were willing to come wherever I’d move next. I had no answers.

Eventually, the decision that I had to take was to offer in-home consultations to my patients. I started visiting patients (quite like old days) for their yoga sessions, therapies and massages. The feedbacks were quite positive, there were talks about my massage & yoga teaching skills. It was a different clinical phase altogether. Interestingly, I was approached by a German bunch of people who offered me the job of a writer for their website on Ayurveda. That gave me added income every month so I could pay off my rent and other bills. I got drowned in both clinical and writing work to an extent that all past events were forgotten! Somewhere, a year down the lane, it felt like it was time to finally end living like an underdog and own the game. A bunch of experiences, learnings were already by my side so it would have been a shame had I still not gathered the courage to have something of my own!

The fear of venturing out into unknown territories was what I lived with while growing up. At that very point, the disappointment that had built up in me due to always being in a constant doubtful state of mind and not being able to reach the place where I actually belonged, had multiplied. The leap of faith had to be taken this time. Perhaps, that’s why things got to where they were. I don’t think I’d ever gather the courage to start off my entrepreneur’s journey, had it not been for the breakthroughs every time I tried to soar higher! 

And so... the leap of faith was taken! Six months later, a budding entrepreneur was found designing her space trying to turn it into a healing abode she’d clearly started to visualize after she shed her hesitation and fears.

She designed the interiors, executed the designs to make every corner of the space exude positiveness and vibrancy. The designing & construction work was progressing at a steady pace. Two months down the lane, her nook and healing space took shape for real. An exhausted, sleep-deprived girl, who hadn’t slept comfortably in two months stood there with a gleam in her eyes! Dr Moghe’s humble abode was created, all ready to serve! She went through an emotional roller coaster ride while trying to come to terms with the reality that unfolded in front of her eyes.

The inauguration ceremony of Dr Moghe’s was an intimate, private affair in close friends and family’s presence. If there was someone who was more excited about attending to the guests that day, than I was, it was certainly my father! Well, we already know his story. I could tell his happiness knew no bounds; I could tell his heart was swelling with pride. His actions clearly spoke louder than any of his statements. Little did I know it was going to be the start of a completely different relationship with him. Times change, life changes!

The inauguration pooja…

Dr Moghe’s Ayurveda & Wellness Clinic - Reception

Well, the career journey had only just begun! I needed to get over the excitement of creating the new space and buckle my shoes to venture out and unfold a fresh, new chapter in my professional life.

Dr Moghe’s Ayurveda & Wellness Clinic- Therapy Room

No matter how much we discipline and train our minds and bodies to grow and strengthen ourselves in the areas we’re weak, we’re always going to gravitate towards what truly ignites us! There is a driving force we naturally return to in our life when we set out on the path that we think we were eventually meant to take. I was experiencing this first-hand. I received feedbacks from my patients on how my diet, lifestyle advices changed their lives for the better and how my clinical space imparted the peace of mind that they’d hardly get elsewhere in the city. The whole idea of designing my space in a particular way was to give my patients this very experience! I started working with greater zeal. The force within me was pushing me to work 8-10 hours, sometimes 12 hours a day in the clinic. The goal wasn’t profitability- the goal was to heal and touch lives in my best possible capacity. I learned I craved the life of an entrepreneur who could plan her day the way she wished to while also empowering the ones working under her. From a one-man army, Dr Moghe’s turned into a team of three by the time it was our first anniversary. The confidence slowly started to boost with time.

Professionally. at Dr Moghe’s, we celebrate every event/festival in its fully glory with our patients and our team. The aim is to balance work and play in a way that motivates self and the team to look forward to and embrace work in a cheerful way. We developed a steady client-base in the first year of our practice so we started to give away festive goodies during Diwali in the form of handmade Ubtan, fragrant Abhyanga oil and earthen diyas! The concept was appreciated and loved by each one. Today, we receive bulk orders from within the state and from outside the state for the same. We’ve received wonderful reviews for our products and their packaging too!

I can’t seem to remember, how “I’ turned into “We” within a period of 12 months! After 3 years, we are a team of six- some working part-time, some full-time. There hasn’t been a day when I haven’t enjoyed work. Weariness came along since I didn’t take any holidays since the day my clinic started. Somewhere, I also knew I was neglecting the self-care routine so much, that it made me gloomy and sick at times. What could I do? I didn’t seem to have a “stop” button! Work wouldn’t let me rest or sleep.

The Team

Yoga Retreat in Goa

From health talks to yoga sessions for masses, we’ve been enjoying it all.

In my free time, I started to be more active on social media, especially on my twitter handle @drmoghes. The role that Ayurveda played amidst Covid crisis was what glorified the practitioners of Ayurveda & other natural systems of medicines across the world, to a great extent. People started to talk about Ayurveda & its potential in the public healthcare sector. The number of patients that started approaching us for distant consultations saw a rise. I am not totally against/for distant consultations though I’d never treat a critical/chronically ill patient without a personal check-up. I choose the cases on the basis of a thorough consultation with them. An in-depth study and understanding of human nature and people’s health problems is my area of strength. Perhaps, this understanding comes as a blessing while being involved with distant patients.

On our third anniversary recently, we launched “Samatvam”, a brand that would cater to the public’s health & wellness needs through knowledge, wellness products and articles. There are a few exciting things in store. Our website too, was launched after working hard for three years.

Today, at Dr Moghe’s, we have patients visiting us from across the country.

The glorious days of Ayurveda could finally be back, it looks like. Gone are the days when doctors were solely public servants who were meant to serve the masses. The current era is the “era of entrepreneurship”. Doctors can be business people while also performing their duty of serving the society. Ayurveda with its tremendous potential in public health sector, can truly turn the tables around. The need is to revisit & relearn the theories of the science to understand its execution in present day problems. There’s just so much in every department that Ayurveda has to offer.

As for me, the-one-piece-of-advice that I’d take the liberty to offer to women trying to carve a niche in their professional lives is to not let their faith wither away one bit! Hinderances could be many, people pulling you down could be many too, what would be unmatchable though, would be what you have to offer to this world! What you can give to this world, nobody else can. As cliché as it may sound, shortcuts to reach your goals also cut your success short! If you’d want to last longer in the game, staying put and not deviating from your path should be your number one mantra!

When you align your driving force with your dynamic nature in business/work, you can unlock an extraordinary life and win big on your own terms. So, if I can sum up the list of qualities that you need to venture out on your own path, they’d be hunger, dedication, drive, perseverance and creativity. 

Remember, women's great powers of creativity, resilience, and extraordinary tales have created stories that exemplify the ultimate force of womanhood while bringing beauty to their special life. These stories should be our inspiration. We have the potential to balance our family lives along with our professional lives by structuring our creative thoughts and superpowers while making ends meet and fiercely creating history in our own culture. 

Thus, ends Dr Vishakha Moghe’s story (so far). So many things I haven’t penned down here…. Memories of those would stay with me till the end. The plans that didn’t work out would serve to be lessons for future. Have faith that you truly can turn your wounds into wisdom.

Do you have a story to tell? If yes, go ahead, write it down and share it with the world.

Also, does my story spark you to embark on your independent career? I mean, if I can, anybody can! 


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