
Ayurvedic consultations

In Ayurveda, all aspects of the patient’s body - mental and physical health, status of doshas, state and stage of the disease are considered before making a diagnosis.

Taking into account, the digestive strength and metabolic status of the patient too, is an integral aspect of an Ayurvedic consultation.

We offer long-distance consultations to patients that are unable to seek them in person provided the illness isn’t acute or critical as this undoubtedly demands personal examination, assessment and routine monitoring by the doctor. We’d appreciate being allowed a time period of 7-14 days before we can take up your case and reach out to you.

Fees for first online consultation range between ₹ 2000-2500/-

First consultation

30-45 Minutes

First follow-Up

1 Week after first consultation

Diet & nutrition plan

Important aspect of the first consulTation & successive follow ups

*The format for history-Taking is suBjecT to changes Based on the RECOMMENDATION Of our doctor



Panchakarma are a set of five different “Shodhana” procedures. It is hard to find the right English word that can convey the exact meaning of Shodhana. It is also important to understand that Panchakarma does not mean “detox”. This is a complete science in itself and only a trained Vaidya understands the complexity and eligibility criteria for its application.
We have a provision for conducting all Panchakarma procedures at our centre. A strict diet and activity regimen is required to be followed for complete restoration of normal health before and after the procedures. We provide detailed charts explaining the above to our patients so it is easier for them to understand their own bodies and set out on their personal journey towards health.


Ayurvedic therapies

Procedures such as Pinda Sweda, Patra Pottali, Kati/Manya/Janu/Hridaya Basti, Shirodhara, Agnikarma are performed at our centre following the classical guidelines.


  • Scrub, Nourish, Restore

    At Samatvam, facial therapy is a delightfully personalised affair as we assess the skin-type and skin issues before finalising the ingredients. Experience the healing power of fruits, natural herbs & unique mixtures for gentle exfoliation and nourishment. A gentle facial massage along the marma points on the face and head helps moisturise the skin and bring a radiant glow to your face making you stress-free and healthier.

  • No packaged ingredients

    A complete natural skin care regimen that helps you nourish your skin, fight skin issues and reverse signs of ageing. Since we use fresh ingredients for this therapy, we recommend you to visit us in advance in order for us to perform a brief assessment of your skin-type and finalise the ingredients.


Yoga counselling

Stubborn musculoskeletal ailments, Sciatica, Back pain, Varicose veins need more than just medications. We offer the necessary advice along with demonstrations of yogic postures (asanas) for speedy recovery thereby also preventing the recurrence of these ailments.

Tratak workshops

We also conduct workshops for the young and old to spread awareness of yogic science and ancient techniques of meditation like Tratak, Chakra Sādhanā (Chakra Meditation) and Pranayam with demonstrations. These need our attention today when the world is battling serious psychosomatic ailments such as Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar disorder that derail the Mana (Mind).

Tratak- also called Yogic gazing- is a practice where the gaze is fixed on an object like a flame from a lamp or a candle and then the image is visualized at the eyebrow center with the eyes closed. This usually begins with a set of eye exercises so the eyes can be prepared thoroughly for the intense gazing.

Tratak session in progress

Tratak session in progress

With the participants of a Tratak workshop in Goa

With the participants of a Tratak workshop in Goa