• Ayurvedic Consultations

    The journey to good health always begins with an in-depth consultation.

  • Therapies and treatments

    Treatments that are prescribed after a thorough in-person analysis.

  • Nutrition Advice

    Learn the intricacies of diet selection & get one step closer to your health goals.

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What is Samatvam?


सिद्ध्यसिद्ध्योः समो भूत्वा समत्वं योग उच्यते ||

The serenity and equanimity of the mind in both favourable and adverse situations of life is what Shri Krishna calls “Samatvam”.

This even-mindedness of the mind, along with sound physical health, can be achieved through the practice of Yoga & Ayurveda.
Ayurveda forms an integral medium to achieve this balance through Āhāra, Vihāra and Brahmacharya.

“Samatvam is about achieving balance and equilibrium through disease reversal with medicine, appropriate food while also preventing recurrence through the scientific diet.”


The Founder

A life dedicated to health care, Dr Moghe hopes to bring authentic Ayurvedic medicine to all those seeking health and equilibrium. Dr Vishakha Moghe, the founder of Samatvam is an Ayurvedacharya. She is a Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) with an experience of 15 years in the fields of Ayurveda and Yoga. Having an internationally recognised certificate in teaching Yoga from the SVYASA University, Bangalore; her expertise lies in using unique Marma massage techniques for musculoskeletal ailments that have been developed with experience. Ayurvedic nutrition also happens to be her field of interest and so, Ayurvedic recipes that have been derived by her from Ayurvedic texts have been published on a local daily. She regularly cooks based on Ayurvedic principles.
She is passionate about her work and has dedicated her life to the cause of upliftment of these Indic sciences which had long lost their importance but are now slowly regaining the lost glory. She lays emphasis on living a healthy life by nourishing the body and mind with wholesome food, meditation and yogic techniques. She has also committed to work for other Indic causes and wishes to see India as the spiritual and healing capital of the world. She writes on health, wellness and other aspects of Indian culture on various blogs striving to bring about changes in the lives of people in the smallest ways possible.



Our Mantra

“Samatvam” was founded with the very intention of educating people about the true nature of human body, the methods and tools to attain health both through prevention and cure and busting the myths surrounding diet and lifestyle. Our philosophy is to have an all-round approach that is unique to the science and help people understand the intricacies of their bodies.

Our treatments are strictly based on Ayurvedic principles and we follow the basic rule of recommending therapies only after assessing the state and stage of disease because what benefits an individual during one stage may not work if administered during the other.

We proudly use natural methodologies and tools because it is our sincere effort to present the wisdom and essence of Ayurveda in a new light.

What PAtients Are Saying


“I was suffering from anaemia and had very very low ferritin levels. So low that I had to take drips of iron. Dr Moghe heard me patiently and gave me eye-opening insights about food habits. Upon following her advice & medications , difference was seen and felt within a month. The blood reports surprised both me and my family doctor! I could see the glow on my face and started getting compliments. Got my youth back. What more can a woman ask for?
The most important part of any treatment is correct diagnosis and I guess Dr Moghe nailed it.”

— Sanjana K.

“I went to Dr Moghe as an asthmatic. I went to her as somebody whose daily life was dictated by untimely visits to the toilet thanks to Irritable Bowel syndrome. I went to her having been on a regular dose of anti-histamines for years. I am, today, free of IBS. While my respiratory health isn’t perfect yet, I am leaps and bounds ahead of where I was when Dr Moghe’s expertise entered my life. Besides medication itself, the lifestyle changes she brought about have changed my life. I have no hesitation in recommending her to anybody reading this. Her guidance and the proactive role she plays in the course of treatment have been invaluable to me. After all, how many doctors follow up with their patients to find out how they’re faring?”

— Bharadwaj S.

“If you are not well or are simply looking to live a healthy lifestyle supported by the powerful "magic"/ ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, Dr. Moghe's Clinic is the place for you. Nowhere else will you find a more caring and knowledgeable physician to steer you in the direction of full body wellness. Her methods work wonders and also often require a lifestyle change in addition to the treatments and herbal medicines. But that is really the beauty of it. Your whole life will change for the better. Often this means being able to be well without any Allopathy. That's what I experienced myself and from my personal experience I definitely recommend this long term natural way of healing with the most caring and competent physician by your side.”

— Svetozara I.

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